Distance Healing
Energy Knows No Boundaries - Let the Healing Come to You
Wherever you are in the world, my distance healing techniques can reach you. With over a decade of experience sending remote healing energy across the world, I am confident that regardless of where you live, I can help you reset, rebalance, and heal.
If you're feeling stuck in your body, weighed down by stress, energetically unaligned, or in stubborn pain, I'm here to help - and you don't even have to leave your home.
How does distance energy healing work?
With Distance Bowenwork and Distance Reiki, I connect energetically with your body to carry out the treatment at a distance. This can be helpful not only if you live out of town, but if your mobility is limited, you don't like to be touched, or you prefer the healing space of your own home sanctuary.
Quantum physics touches on how remote healing is possible with theories such as the superposition of particles and the biofields, but what you need to know is that with practice and intention, an energy worker can improve the well-being of their clients at a distance.
What is a distance energy healing session like?
During a distance healing session, you do NOT come to my office. You stay at home and make yourself comfortable during the agreed upon appointment time. You may sit down or lie down. I recommend lying down. I will conduct the session from a distance and when it is complete, I will actually let you lay down and rest as long as you like and you can end the session when you are ready to get up. I will touch base after the session via phone or e-mail (your preference) and we can discuss how you feel and if you have any questions or concerns.​​